Pregnancy Discrimination Laws in California

Pregnancy discrimination laws are in place to protect women from negative consequences in the workplace.

It’s also illegal.

Pregnancy discrimination is a type of workplace discrimination that occurs when an expectant woman is fired, not hired, or otherwise discriminated against. It can even happen when a woman only intends to become pregnant.

If it’s happened to you, you may want to talk to a pregnancy discrimination lawyer in Glendale, Los Angeles, or the surrounding communities.

Pregnancy Discrimination Laws in California - Yeremian Law

Laws About Pregnancy Discrimination in California

The laws that govern pregnancy and related conditions in the workplace include:

  • The California Fair Employment and Housing Act, which says, “It is illegal for employers to fire, refuse to hire, bar, harass, discharge, or otherwise discriminate against someone because of pregnancy, childbirth, or a related condition.”
  • The Family and Medical Leave Act, which gives certain employees the right to take up to 12 weeks off work per year for specified health and caregiving reasons, including pregnancy disability and caring for a new child.
  • The California Family Rights Act, which provides leave for employees who need to take time to care for a family member with a serious injury or illness or who want to bond with a new child.
  • The Pregnancy Disability Leave Act, which says, “It is illegal for employers to fire, refuse to hire, bar, harass, discharge, or otherwise discriminate against someone because of pregnancy, childbirth, or a related condition.”

What California Law Says About Pregnancy Discrimination

California and federal laws protect pregnant employees. They prohibit discrimination and provide women with the ability to take leaves of absence without giving up health insurance.

Employers must also provide reasonable accommodations to pregnant women.

It’s illegal for an employer to treat a pregnant woman any differently than it would treat another person. That also goes for women who are affected by pregnancy-related conditions.

The specific California statutes that govern pregnancy and related conditions in the workplace are listed above. They include the California Fair Employment and Housing Act and the Family and Medical Leave Act/California Family Rights Act.

Federal law protects pregnant women, too. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act prohibits sex discrimination due to pregnancy, childbirth, or medical conditions related to either.

What is Pregnancy Disability - Pregnancy Discrimination Laws in CaliforniaWhat is Pregnancy Disability?

Pregnancy disability refers to a time when a woman is temporarily unable to perform her job because she has a medical condition related to pregnancy or childbirth. The law requires an employer to treat a woman with a pregnancy disability the same way that employer would treat any other temporarily disabled employee. That can include providing light duty, different types of work assignments, or even disability leave.

California Pregnancy Discrimination Laws - Discrimination Attorneys in Glendale and LA

How to Spot Pregnancy Discrimination

While it’s rare that someone will come right out and say, “I’m not hiring you because you’re pregnant,” there are a few telltale signs that you’ve been a victim of pregnancy discrimination. Some of those signs include:

  • Not getting a job because the employer knows (either because you told or it’s visible) that you’re pregnant
  • Being fired after you announce your pregnancy
  • Being fired before, during, or after maternity leave
  • Losing pay as a result of your pregnancy
  • Being verbally harassed or insulted because of your pregnancy
  • Being denied ongoing training due to pregnancy
  • Being demoted because of your pregnancy
  • Being denied adequate working accommodations when you have a pregnancy disability

What to Do if You’ve Experienced Pregnancy Discrimination

If your employer has discriminated against you in any way because of pregnancy, childbirth, or even your intention to become pregnant, you could have legal recourse—and you may be entitled to financial compensation through the Glendale or Los Angeles court systems.

It may be a good idea for you to get in touch with a pregnancy discrimination attorney who can understand what you’re going through. Your lawyer will ask you several questions, including whether you were fired from your job and what type of harassment or discrimination you experienced. These things can be tough to talk about, but remember that your lawyer is asking so many questions so he can get the best possible outcome in your case.

Call our California pregnancy discrimination lawyers today at 818-617-9706 or toll-free at 800-774-4163. We may be able to help you get financial compensation for the discrimination you experienced from your employer, and the sooner you call, the sooner we can begin developing your legal strategy.

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